AWO Intercultural Advisory Center for Migrants

AWO Intercultural Advisory Center for Migrants

Refugees welcome – we make it!

Germany was recognized worldwide in 2015 as one of those countries committed very much  to solve the refugee crisis in Europe. A flow of refugees arrived during the whole year from crisis regions in Asia, Africa and East Europe. The humanitarian defeat was challenging the whole society.

The German Chancellor Angela Merkel pretended in mid 2015 “wir schaffen das” – “we make it”. She dared to articulate this optimistic view on handling  the crisis because she could  rely on the resources and experiences of the civil society and of those NGOs highly committed on refugee support.

“Refugees welcome”,  as a local player in Schleswig-Holstein AWO interkulturell is supporting this campaign from the civil society.

The social NGO is contributing with counselling, social support and qualification and language course offers to integrate those in need to the communities  where they are arriving.

Social workers, office people , teachers, counselors  and a wide range of committed volunteers in the civil society –   Murinda is sure : all together we make it.


Arbeiterwohlfahrt Landesverband Schleswig-Holstein e. V.

Arbeiterwohlfahrt Landesverband Schleswig-Holstein e. V.
AWO Interkulturell
Sibeliusweg 4
24109 Kiel


Jean de la Paix Murinda from Kigal:

volunteering_at_awoJean de la Paix Murinda from Kigali is volunteering with the AWO interkulturell team supporting the logistics in the modern office. With his desire to contribute he is highly welcomed from the AWO Team.


Get in touch

If you are interested in joining our weltwärts reverse program or if you want to have mor information please contact us.


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