As a sending organization with the weltwärts sending scheme of the Federal German Ministry for Economical Cooperation and Development (BMZ) artefact started to partner with more than 50 NGOs and educational institutions in East Africa. Young Germans get opportunities to volunteer in the work surroundings of the partner organizations. After one year the majority of the participants are returning. In their rucksacks they are caring new ideas to continue with – for their lives and for our society.
With the south – north sending young East Africans are enriching the work surroundings of social and environmental institutions in the North of Germany. Inspired from work concepts and personal impressions they are returning back home after one year of volunteering.
As a developmental volunteer service the weltwärts scheme is intending on social changes through personal exchange and commitment.
The artefact weltwärts approach is called solivol – solidarity volunteering. The solivol program is inspired by the spirit of solidarity between individuals. A learning program which is counting on commitment and adventure to create new horizons of individual growth.
Discover our Volunteering Projects in Germany
The artefact center – global learning and local action
The artefact center is situated in the tiny town of Glücksburg directly at the shores of the Flensburg Fjord in the Danish – german border region.
Historically the Baltic Sea was a natural access to develop the region. As a water way the Baltic Sea is connecting the Scandianvian countries , Germany , Poland and Russia. Already hundreds of years ago this regional position has been used as a resource to widen horizons by learning from each other. About 30 years ago when our center was founded the exchange with environmentalists and technologists from Denmark enabled artefact to develop regional concepts to use renewable energy resources for a sustainable development of this region in the north of Germany.

solivol Prerequisites for Attending
Willing to participate as a volunteer in a learning program means to put efforts into the preparation for the stay in Germany and to dedicate a lot of passion to learning processes in advance
Volunteers commit with their personal resources to the work of a partner institution. Participants agree to reduce their life styles in Germany. They are living on a small pocket money and supports for food, accommodation, insurances and travel expenses. The benefit of a volunteer service is not a money outcome but a personal enrichment by encountering people and cultures
solivol participants have to be able to ride a bicycle and must use this to reach their work places. They are willing to mobilize self-help strategies to cope with their situation and role as volunteer in Germany.
German language knowledge is expected by the partner institutions. Language skills have to be trained already months before leaving to Germany. Therefor a timeframe has to be conceded and personal contributions are needed to enroll with language courses – for instance at Goethe Institutes. Beside German language skills we are expecting very good knowledge of the English language
A passport is needed with a validity of at least one and half year
The first step to apply is to submit an expression of interest via the artefact mail address. After contacting us this way you will receive a feedback from the regional coordinators about forthcoming applications phases and ways how to apply.